

stdgpu: stdgpu::unordered_map::erase
stdgpu Latest
Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU

◆ erase() [2/3]

template<typename Key , typename T , typename Hash = hash<Key>, typename KeyEqual = equal_to<Key>, typename Allocator = safe_device_allocator<pair<const Key, T>>>
template<typename ExecutionPolicy , typename KeyIterator , STDGPU_DETAIL_OVERLOAD_IF( is_execution_policy_v< remove_cvref_t< ExecutionPolicy > > &&detail::is_iterator_v< KeyIterator >) >
void stdgpu::unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >::erase ( ExecutionPolicy &&  policy,
KeyIterator  begin,
KeyIterator  end 

Deletes the values with the given range of keys from the container.

Template Parameters
ExecutionPolicyThe type of the execution policy
[in]policyThe execution policy, e.g. host or device, corresponding to the allocator
[in]beginThe begin of the range
[in]endThe end of the range