Class List#
stdgpu Latest
Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nstdgpu | |
Callocator_traits | A general allocator traitor |
Catomic | A class to model an atomic object of type T on the GPU |
Catomic_ref | A class to model a atomic reference to an object of type T on the GPU |
Cback_insert_iterator | An output iterator which inserts elements into a container using push_back |
Cbit_not | A function to compute bitwise NOT of values |
Cbit_not< void > | A transparent specialization of bit_not |
▼Cbitset | A class to model a bitset on the GPU |
Creference | A proxy class for a reference to a bit |
Cdeque | A generic container similar to std::deque on the GPU |
Cdevice_range | A class representing a device range over an array |
Cdevice_unique_object | A resource wrapper for managing device objects with automatic scope-based object destruction |
Cequal_to | A function to check equality between two values |
Cequal_to< void > | A transparent specialization of equal_to |
Cfront_insert_iterator | An output iterator which inserts elements into a container using push_front |
Chash | A function object to compute hash values of provided keys |
Chash< bool > | A specialization for bool |
Chash< char > | A specialization for char |
Chash< char16_t > | A specialization for char16_t |
Chash< char32_t > | A specialization for char32_t |
Chash< double > | A specialization for double |
Chash< float > | A specialization for float |
Chash< int > | A specialization for int |
Chash< long > | A specialization for long |
Chash< long double > | A specialization for long double |
Chash< long long > | A specialization for long long |
Chash< short > | A specialization for short |
Chash< signed char > | A specialization for singed char |
Chash< unsigned char > | A specialization for unsigned char |
Chash< unsigned int > | A specialization for unsigned int |
Chash< unsigned long > | A specialization for unsigned long |
Chash< unsigned long long > | A specialization for unsigned long long |
Chash< unsigned short > | A specialization for unsigned short |
Chash< wchar_t > | A specialization for wchar_t |
Chost_range | A class representing a host range over an array |
Cidentity | A function to return the given value |
Cinsert_iterator | An output iterator which inserts elements into a container using insert |
Cis_execution_policy | Type trait to check whether the provided class is an execution policy |
Clogical_and | A function to perform logical AND on two values |
Clogical_and< void > | A transparent specialization of logical_and |
▼Cmutex_array | A class to model a mutex array on the GPU |
Creference | A proxy class to model a mutex reference on the GPU |
Cnull_object_t | A type to indicate an uninitialized unique object |
Cnumeric_limits | Generic traits |
Cnumeric_limits< bool > | Specialization for bool |
Cnumeric_limits< char > | Specialization for char |
Cnumeric_limits< char16_t > | Specialization for char16_t |
Cnumeric_limits< char32_t > | Specialization for char32_t |
Cnumeric_limits< double > | Specialization for double |
Cnumeric_limits< float > | Specialization for float |
Cnumeric_limits< int > | Specialization for int |
Cnumeric_limits< long > | Specialization for long |
Cnumeric_limits< long double > | Specialization for long double |
Cnumeric_limits< long long > | Specialization for long long |
Cnumeric_limits< short > | Specialization for short |
Cnumeric_limits< signed char > | Specialization for signed char |
Cnumeric_limits< unsigned char > | Specialization for unsigned char |
Cnumeric_limits< unsigned int > | Specialization for unsigned int |
Cnumeric_limits< unsigned long > | Specialization for unsigned long |
Cnumeric_limits< unsigned long long > | Specialization for unsigned long long |
Cnumeric_limits< unsigned short > | Specialization for unsigned short |
Cnumeric_limits< wchar_t > | Specialization for wchar_t |
Cpair | A pair of two values of potentially different types |
Cplus | A function to add two values |
Cplus< void > | A transparent specialization of plus |
Cqueue | A generic container similar to std::queue on the GPU |
Cremove_cvref | Type trait to remove const, volative, and reference qualifiers from the given type |
Csafe_device_allocator | An allocator for device memory |
Csafe_host_allocator | An allocator for host memory |
Cstack | A generic container similar to std::stack on the GPU |
Ctransform_range | A class representing range where a transformation is applied first |
Cunordered_map | A generic class similar to std::unordered_map on the GPU |
Cunordered_set | A generic container similar to std::unordered_set on the GPU |
Cvector | A generic container similar to std::vector on the GPU |
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